Monday, 5 November 2007

We win BIG!!!

Taylors team wins BIG at Culinaire Malyasia crows the Sun today, (Education focus section). Don't we mean BIGLIEST? Anyway, not to detract fromthis famous victory and following as it does hard on the heels of the Japanese rice grinding and Harvest songs. "Students and staff from Taykors College School of Hospitality and Tourism proved they were a force to be reckoned with at the Culinaire Malysia 2007 by winning a total of 11 medals..... Eugene Liew stayed calm under pressure to secure the coveted title of Most Outstanding F & B Personnel. He accumulated the highest overall points after winning the gold medal in fruit flambe, silver medal for table setting and bronze medal for cocktail making, while Siau who competed in the Pastry Showpiece category, took the the bronze for his creation of a three -foot tall colourful clown from sugar"!!!!!!!!!!!
No fair! No one ever makes me a three foot colourful clown in colourful sugar. Ever. What kind of sons have I spawned? They don't write,, they don't phone, they don't make me three foot colourful clowns in spun sugar. I blame the parents. But bronze? What won the gold for Petes' sake! A twenty foot represention of Mao Tse Tung in chocolate with retractable Marzipan penis? Oops sorry, I forgot this was a family blog. "OOh look boys there's a squirrel!" Did your hear about that? A free thinking/wheeling family with a taste for the ribald when visting a straight laced Auntie in Perthshire would be met with a blank stare at the onset of anything not quite 'nice' after which gathering herself she would cry "Oh Look children! There's a squirrel!" It went into the family venacula,r so that anytime after that things got a bit risque, they would cry in unison "Oh look theres a squirrel!'.
Time to wander downto the beach for some grub.
Back again. SHUT. Deepvali has claimed my servants. Bugger!!! . Oh look boys! there's a squirrel!
Ps Good to see Max has joined the team.

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