Monday, 5 November 2007

dire straits

We have been sprayed. A huge puffer was wheeled into the compound and belched black clouds of poisonous gas about the place. So now we can go out again,( though some of us never came in, just lay back by the pool with a beer and sucked it up.) I was under the bed.
Anyway, all is excitement here, Deepavali looming, and the chance to win RM1,000 and be a co-host in a seven part TV programme to air in December and January!!!! . Sadly I shall be back in England by then otherwise I was definitely up for nominating 'the most popular Carnation Evaporated Creamer Fish Head Rice Noodles in Malaysia', and writing a 1500n word essay on why its my' favourite and best in the country'. You have to make the story "interesting" it says in the New Straits Times. Easy Peasy! I mean we're talking Carnation Evaporated Creamer here. 'Entries can be sent via SMS by typing and sending CNC (for mandarin) or CNE ( for English) to 39993 to participate in the nominations,.upon successful registration, participants will receive a SMS notification reply. Entries can also be submitted via fax to 03-6203-7504 or e-mail ' Maybe I'll go in for it anyway , even though I won't get to the 'co-hosting with the popular TV personality in a Cantonese language TV show' if I win. Just for the heck of it you know? Of course that all depends on whether my "registration is successful'. Golly never thought of that. I hope I'm one of the lucky ones.
Am a bit cheesed off that none of my friends in the Malaysian-Japanese Friendship Society invited me to the 'Pot Luck Nite'. . Apparently, again according to the New Straits Times, "The event started with a demonstration of the making of Japanese rice cake, or omochi, where members pounded the glutinous rice together with wooden hammers, as they sang Japanese harvesting songs.' I LOVE Japanese harvest songs!! They're my favourite thing. Ah well.
Elsewhere? In Surabaya' more than 25,000 villagers were refusing to leave their homes on the slopes of Mt. Kelud yesterday despite warnings the peak was poised for a powerful eruption. "They believe it will not erupt." said Sigit Raharjo, a local government official. A local myth claims that if residents turn of all the lights and speak softly, then the mountain won't erupt. Scientists fear a buildup of magma under Keluds crater lake could trigger a violent blast, sending a torrent of mud, ash and rock careering down the side of the 1,731-high mountain' But they also note any eruption could be small - or may not happen at all'
OK, I'm switching lights back on then

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